Elevating Non-Profit Missions Through Compelling Video Storytelling

As the holiday season approaches, a period marked by heightened generosity and community spirit, our commitment at 20/20 Visual Media is to harness this energy through compelling storytelling. Our people-focused production mindset greatly benefits non-profit organizations, crafting narratives that align with their missions and values and resonate more profoundly during this impactful season. This time of year, when the spirit of giving is at its peak, presents a unique opportunity for non-profits to share their stories, connect with their communities, and inspire action.

Every non-profit organization carries a unique story, a driving force that propels its mission forward. Understanding this, we specialize in various forms of video production, including promotional videos to boost awareness, documentary-style pieces to explore deeper into your mission, and fundraising videos designed to inspire and engage donors. Our team's expertise in non-profit storytelling ensures that each story we tell is both authentic and powerful.

In today's digital era, video has emerged as a crucial medium for storytelling. It acts as a potent connector, drawing viewers closer to the core of a cause. At 20/20 Visual Media, our forte lies in creating non-profit videos that do more than inform – they evoke emotions and motivate viewers to take action. We focus on capturing the essence of your cause and the dedication behind it in every frame.

Our video production process is deeply collaborative. It begins with thoroughly understanding your objectives and integrating your video into your broader marketing strategy during pre-production. Our team's creativity shines during production, ensuring we present your story in the best possible light. In post-production, we bring everything together, combining footage, music, and graphics with your feedback to produce a polished and effective final product.

Our work with Philadelphia's non-profits, including March of Dimes and MANNA, highlights the power of video storytelling in raising awareness and spurring action. Collaborations with the American Heart Association and Friends of Washington Crossing Park further demonstrate the impact of storytelling in promoting social change. 

We recognize the challenges non-profits face in conveying complex issues simply and effectively. Our videos are crafted to educate and advocate, making complex topics accessible and engaging. Whether through explainer videos or narrative-driven pieces, we aim to align with your educational and advocacy efforts.

At 20/20 Visual Media, we are more than just video producers; we are your partners in storytelling. If you're ready to bring your non-profit's story to the forefront, we are here to make it happen. Join us in this journey of impactful storytelling, and let's create visuals that not only narrate your story but also ignite a movement for change.


2023 Year in Numbers


Little League® Video Wins Big at Emmy Awards