Video Interviews Are Here to Stay: How to Prepare For Your Debut

Branded video interviews offer incredible opportunities for companies to appeal to both internal staff and prospective clients. Interviews can help companies share their authentic values, personality, and overall mission in a creative, gripping way. Through this type of storytelling, companies can share insight from employees, executives, and clients to boost brand awareness, market new products and services, and embolden trust.

Let’s take a closer look at how video interviews can benefit your marketing efforts and best practices to incorporate. 

How Video Interviews Can Benefit Your Business   

Highlights Your Expertise 

How to prepare for video interview

Video interviews enable companies to showcase their industry experience and subject matter expertise in an accessible way. The key is to keep the interview conversational so it remains engaging and authentic rather than scripted and robotic. Whether an employee is discussing a new product or service, or highlighting the company’s services on a high level, interview-style videos have the potential to drive higher engagement. In fact, Yans Media reported 64% of users are more likely to purchase a product online after watching a video about it.

Humanizes Your Brand 

Like other video marketing content, interview-style videos allow companies to connect with their target audiences by placing a face to a brand. Interview subjects have the chance to display their sincere feelings about the quality of a product or service in a relatable manner. When businesses use actual subject matter experts or clients, customers can better identify with and relate to the pain points the brand is trying to resolve and/or the people sharing their experiences.  

Builds Trust & Credibility 

Interview-style videos help to educate consumers and offer a high level of transparency behind the production process. This authentic approach helps to establish trust and credibility among consumers, internal staff, and partner organizations, especially if it’s a natural Q&A-style conversation. The interviewee can show target audiences their authority on the subject, offer more clarity and insight, and dispel any misconceptions. 

Drives High Potential Talent 

Interview videos can benefit both employers and prospective job seekers by providing a straightforward perspective into company culture and benefits. Employers can take advantage of candid testimonials to promote their business and get job seekers excited to work for them. Likewise, potential candidates can gain a deeper understanding of the company’s personality and values. 

3 Types of Brand Interview Videos to Use 

1. Founder Interviews 

Founder interviews help to ground a business by making the founder and company accessible to customers. Customers are able to place a face to a name and relate to the obstacles and triumphs of a company’s success story. People want to be able to identify with a company and its mission, and founder interviews can elicit strong emotions to build brand awareness and credibility.  

2. Employee Interviews 

Like founder interviews, employee interviews also help to humanize a brand and offer a behind-the-scenes look into corporate culture. However, employees are the backbone of the company and can give more insight into the day-to-day work environment and production process. This can provide clarity to job seekers searching for specific types of environments and give greater transparency to customers about the quality of the products and services.

3. Client Interviews 

According to a recent Wyzowl survey, “2 out of 3 consumers [said] they’re more likely to make a purchase after watching a testimonial video demonstrating how a business, product or service helped someone like them.” Customer testimonials help prospective customers understand the value of a product or service and how it can benefit them in a similar way. During the interview process, businesses can guide customers to offer a cohesive summary of their experience and the value solutions their brand can provide. By asking the right questions, interviewers can gently lead subjects into providing more thoughtful, telling answers. 

Tips on Creating Compelling Interview Videos

Video interviews can be effective in helping companies reach their marketing goals, but this requires a strategic approach to gain the best ROI. Here are some best practices to keep in mind to capture compelling content.

  • Prepare: Give your interviewee questions ahead of time so they can prepare. This will help the interview seem less forced or scripted. You can then ask impromptu follow-up questions to make the interview feel more natural.

  • Be Authentic: Interviews should feel more like a natural conversation where interviewees feel at ease.

  • Ask Meaningful Questions: Each question should guide an interviewee into furnishing detailed answers that give a full scope of the subject at hand. 

Produce Effective Video Interviews With 20/20 Visual Media 

Collaborate with an expert in video marketing services. 20/20 Visual Media is an award-winning Philadelphia video production company with the industry knowledge, skillset, equipment, and connections to help you make engaging content for your target audience. If you’re searching for a people-focused video production agency in Philadelphia, PA, turn to the experts at 20/20 Visual Media. 

Get in touch with us today by filling out a contact form. You can also check out our digital portfolio to see what we’ve accomplished for our clients!


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