The Show Must Go On: How to Produce Your Virtual Events

The Show Must Go On: How to Produce Your Virtual Events

During the coronavirus pandemic, it has been incredibly challenging for businesses, brands, and non-profit organizations to keep their audiences engaged, and to reach out to new prospects who may want to be part of their communities. But video has really been a saving grace. Although we’re entering a challenging winter season which will keep us physically apart, you can still host your business events, galas, fundraisers, conferences and more in a safe and professional way through live streamed video.

Many of our clients have already been utilizing video production and an engaged online audience on Facebook or YouTube to keep their events not just alive - but thriving! 

The Impact of Video Engagement

The greatest attribute of producing a virtual event through video is the ability to enable safe human interaction. As we’ve been live streaming events for the past several months, one of the things we’ve been most pleasantly surprised about is the amount of engagements that flood the YouTube and Facebook comments sections during the videos. They’ve been messages of congratulations during awards shows, inspirational stories shared during fundraisers, or simply well wishes and friendly hellos among people who would ordinarily get together in person. The video events have enabled participants to still see, hear and connect with each other even if they can’t be physically in the same place. This is critical to the success of any event.

So How Do You Live Stream an Event?

When it comes to video marketing and event video production, a virtual event is different than a live, in-person event. There are several factors to keep in mind when streaming an event, such as background noise and lighting for your speakers, streaming and video equipment, and the expertise of your streaming team. Our team at 20/20 Visual Media suggests the following steps to live stream your next event:

Step 1: Live? Or “Look-Live”?

First determine: is your event LIVE? Or is it “look-live”? In some instances, you want that immediate feedback from audience members (think conferences). In those situations, it’s very important that people are able to react right away, ask a presenter a question, engage with other members of the audience and more. But not every event needs to be truly live.

That’s where a “look-live” comes in. That is a more highly-produced, highly edited program that can really allow for the opportunity to get your message across exactly right. With a look-live, far fewer things can go wrong. It’s just a matter of filming and editing your show, setting up a premiere time online, hitting play, and watching the viewers and comments come in.

Step 2: Choose the Right Video Partner

Not all video production companies are the same. Depending on the size of your virtual event, the capabilities of the production company should play a role. At a minimum the video company should provide your event with basic streaming services, including camera, microphone, lighting, and switching equipment. By choosing a professional video company, you will alleviate the stress and startup costs of investing in what is needed to live-stream an event.

Step 3: Set Your Environment Up For Success

If your program is going to be truly live, make sure your venue has internet connection and adequate bandwidth to stream your event. It’s not enough just to have basic internet over Wi-Fi for a reliable event stream. A dedicated hard wire ethernet, strong and fast Wi-Fi, or at the very least a 4G LTE signal are required to have a quality streaming experience for your viewers. 

Step 4: Test, Test, Test

Before the event begins, all equipment should be tested…and re-tested again to ensure you are ready to go live without any glitches. Depending on the size of the production, you and your video company may want to have run-throughs or rehearsals leading up to your live event.

Step 5: Create an Engaging Program

Make sure your live event is entertaining! Choose an event host who understands audience engagement. If you’re used to producing a live event that has music, videos in between speakers, a silent auction, maybe even a signature cocktail, try to incorporate those familiar elements into your virtual event to create the same type of warm feelings your attendees get when they’re with you in person. For conferences, there are great tools for creating polls and encouraging responses. Also, be sure to allow for Q&A time and enable attendees to speak directly to the host.

Step 6: Be Flexible

Whether you’re in person or virtual, you know that something is bound to alter your plans during a live event. Remain flexible when the inevitable change happens. Remember, the audience is looking to have a good time and will be forgiving.

Step 7: Follow-Up is Key

Take some time after the event to reach out to attendees to ask them about their experience. Be open to suggestions for improvement and thank them for attending! This may not be your last time engaging with this specific virtual audience, so soliciting feedback is important in showing that you care about producing the best event possible.

If you’re ready to invest in video production for virtual events, our team at 20/20 Visual Media is a production company that will create engaging live stream events and beautiful video for your business. Recently, we’ve helped to produce virtual event outings for Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Cabrini University, and Life Sciences Pennsylvania. Contact us today to get started on a virtual event with our award-winning team!


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