It's Color Friday!

It's Color Friday!

Black Color Friday is officially underway! One of our favorite projects each year is producing product demos for Crayola's end of year holiday push. The holiday season seems to start earlier and earlier each year, and 2018 was no exception. We wrapped shooting all the way back in May!

As we posted about back in 2016, our first year working with the colorful company from Easton, PA, it’s no longer enough to just sell crayons and coloring books to the tech-savvy, experience-seeking generations of today.

“Kids want apps, games, and customizable products to create a unique experience each time they choose to get creative!”

We were tasked with producing spots for three holiday products, each with their own unique style and set.

Relying on our past construction experience and channeling our inner-tween, we were able to brainstorm and conceptualize a teenager’s design room, mad scientist’s chemistry lab, and child’s playroom, so that our products could come to life in creative spaces.

Our week-long production went seamlessly from product to product thanks to our friend and director, George Cummings. His energy on set with the actors helped to get those special moments as the products were captured each day.

Each product demo was captured in a 3-4 hour video shoot, followed by a 2-3 hour photo shoot. Our style was locking the camera down at different angles and depths, so that the interactions between the kids and products could speak for themselves (literally!). All of our demos this year featured elements of dialogue between the kids, giving us the ability to capture several moments of wonder and excitement! There wasn’t a need to incorporate over-used transitional elements or dolly shots because the product was the star. In post-production we cut 30-second and 90-second spots for various digital channels that included Crayola's social channels, and national retail products pages for, Target, Toys ‘R’ Us, and Amazon.

This year’s series is closing in on half-a-million views on YouTube!

Like what you see?  Watch the full-length demos below or click to shop the products!

Contact Patrick Rosenbaum


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Marketing Musings - August 28th, 2018